Rooibos Tea 

I bought some healthy tea from the Bulk Herb Store. Very gentle smooth tea.

Wedding ~ I want 6 gallons for 120 servings.
Make 2 gallons, reuse leaves with 1 gallon water = 3 gal tea. Flavor in the cambro, pour into gallon jars.

Do this twice using 8 oz tea leaves. This will still probably be quite strong enough to have some ice added when serving in the dispensers.

~Quicker large quantity:
In gallon jars put 1.2 - 1.4 oz tea
fill with 208* water
steep and cool
strain into something
strain again into cambro
pour into gallon jars to store.
Basic steeping for hot tea:
1/2 oz
4 c water at 208* (just off the boil)
steep 15 minutes.

~For Quick Iced Tea:
1 oz tea leaves into 1 gallon jar
fill with nearly boiling water
steep all day.
strain once or twice (use the cambro for multiple gallons)
allow time for 'resting' - the sweeteners really combine overnight.

~Another way for Iced Tea - Use the tea leaves twice with half as much water as the first time.

~Using 1 gallon tea kettle add:
1 oz tea to almost boiling water
steep and cool. Add another quart of water and steep just one more time. Sweeten to taste and add lemon.

~Using my tea pot (makes 3 qts):
6 c water + 6 c water (because that is what fits in my pot)
1 oz tea
Steep, strain, steep again, strain, mix and sweeten.

~1 gallon + 2 qts = 6 qts total:
2 oz tea
Steep until cooled to room temp when using for iced tea. Add second batch of water and steep until cool, mix together.

*Sweeten while still at room temp.

~2 gallons + 1 more gal = 3 gal total:
4 oz tea
Steep in my 12 qt pot, strain into cambro when cool. Add second batch of water and steep until cool, mix together.

~Sweetener for 3 qts:
1/2 oz homemade stevia liquid
1/2 oz honey

~Sweetener for 6 qts:
1 oz my homemade stevia liquid
AND 1 oz honey

-Sweetener for 3 gallons:
2 oz homemade stevia liquid
AND 2 oz honey

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